Daily jazz blog, Marlbank

Anthony Branker & Imagine, Songs My Mom Liked, Origin ****

We've long appreciated the work of the composer Anthony Branker going back over a decade to Uppity on the same issuing label here Origin - and our admiration grows still more. Themed as a celebration of and dedication to the composer's mother who …

Published: 13 Jun 2024. Updated: 11 days.


We've long appreciated the work of the composer Anthony Branker going back over a decade to Uppity on the same issuing label here Origin - and our admiration grows still more. Themed as a celebration of and dedication to the composer's mother who is in her late eighties and who is suffering from dementia, Branker knows how much his music lifts his mother and revisits some of his earlier work in her honour.

It's a really good band that Branker musically directs who play his compositions including late period Bowie saxophonist Donny McCaslin, trumpeter Philip Dizack, pianist Fabian Almazan and distinctive throughout the Methenyian double bassist Linda May Han Oh who is so cool on 'Imani' (Faith).

'Imani' is a Branker piece that was interpreted differently on 2005's Spirit Songs (an album that found room for trombone within the reggae tilt in the sound).

Also on the studio recording made in New York back in January are the great Frisellian drummer Rudy Royston, guitarist Pete McCann, who takes an appealing lead role on the jazz-rock flavoured 'When We Said Goodbye' and vocalist Aubrey Johnson niece of the late much missed Lyle Mays - Aubrey is also on the new Allegra Levy release Out of the Question and brilliant here on the incantatory Uppity piece, 'Three Gifts (From a Nigerian Mother to God).'

Songs My Mom Liked also includes 'The Holy Innocent (for KB and the Children of Gaza)' and the beautiful textures of 'Land of Milk & Honey' a big highlight that opens out into a fine solo from Almazan. Truly guys if a UK reader a message to you Rudy, Rod Youngs is like your doppelgänger stylistically, just independently arrived at.

Warm, gentle, reflective, with a slight bittersweet quality in a good many places there is also room for a busier more hard bop feel on 'The House of the Brotherhood of Black Heads' where there are bustling roles for both McCaslin and Dizack. Branker's daughter's 'If' written when Parris was only 11 is an upbeat way to end a delightful recording full of light and grace.

Out on 21 June. 'Praise' is streaming

Tags: Reviews

The Euro jazz club scene: top 10 gigs

1 Anna Maria Jopek Jassmine, Warsaw. Tonight. Singer Anna Maria Jopek - whose work with Pat Metheny on Upojenie ('Ecstasy') [Warner Jazz Poland, 2002] was a Polish language and to us Eurojazz vocals jazz classic of the noughties - has already sold …

Published: 13 Jun 2024. Updated: 12 days.

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1 Anna Maria Jopek Jassmine, Warsaw. Tonight.
Singer Anna Maria Jopek - whose work with Pat Metheny on Upojenie ('Ecstasy') [Warner Jazz Poland, 2002] was a Polish language and to us Eurojazz vocals jazz classic of the noughties - has already sold out this superbly curated Warsaw club whose programming this year reflects state of the art international jazz up close and personal ridiculously well.

2 Pablo Held trio feat. Melissa Aldana Unterfahrt, Munich. Tonight.

3 Liv Monaghan Sunset, Paris. Tonight.

Very stylish, credible, Irish singer Liv Monaghan's First Light is new on the Alto Figaro label. Monaghan's sound compares liltingly with the great Christine Tobin and is worth gravitating to if hitherto unfamiliar with the Paris based chanteuse.



Derek ''Harry Shearer'' Smalls' missus on cracking form - Judith Owen, above. Enjoy the new direction in New Orleans based Welshwoman Judith's own jazz odyssey. Photographer: unknown

Oh, please have some pity

I'm all alone in this big city

I tell you I'm just a lonesome babe in the wood

So lady be good to me

— George and Ira Gershwin, 'Lady Be Good'

4 Judith Owen Blue Note, Milan. Tomorrow night.

Powerful singer Judith Owen's tremendous new tradtastic live album Comes Alive is a must. Note the pantomime season hasn't come early but jazz vocals delivered with a twinkle, panache and a wry wink steam in right on time. Nailing the jump jive feel of 'Caldonia' just another gem to zone in on as the band respond terrifically - ffs it's the great Carmen Lundy drummer Jamison Ross doncha know at the kit tramping it down beautifully. Caldonia, Caldonia, what makes your big head so hard? I love you, I love you just the same.

5 Jeanfrançois Prins and Jean-Paul Estiévenart The Music Village, Brussels. Saturday 15 June

Supremely classy sounds from a guitar-trumpet led band, so cool it hurts, Eurojazzing on a Saturday night in the unofficial capital of Europe from the masters Jeanfrançois Prins and Jean-Paul Estiévenart who journey into the cool of the night conveying the sounds of Miles and more to the still game Bruxellois flâneurs who are savvy enough to place jazz, as well as perhaps a spot of hunger pang sating moules et frites, at the top of their agenda for starters this weekend.

6 María Grand Quartet Bird's Eye, Basel. Tuesday 18, Wednesday 19 June

Innovative Swiss saxist María Grand has top US vibist Joel Ross whose Nublues blew us away this year in her band for these Basel dates at the Bird's Eye. Grand's Anohin with Marta Sánchez issued by Biophilia released earlier this year is also very collectable however much a bit bats it certainly seems at first blush to be - but ain't at all - cher ami.

7 Michael Wolff Le Duc des Lombards, Paris. Wednesday 19 June and Thursday 20 June

Remember the very classy Live at Vitello's? Nuff said. But certainly worth getting the Eurostar over to catch the US pianist paying tribute to Bill Evans here to locate Wolff in the top company of bassist François Moutin and drummer Jeff Boudreaux. Make it a two night stay why not. Who needs the football which will be dominating all media everywhere in Europe soon. Groan. Find escape and emotional rescue where you can duking it in here for sure as a start. Jumpers for goalposts? Marvellous.

8 Nils Kugelmann Trio Bix, Stuttgart. Friday 21 June

Munich born bassist-composer Nils Kugelmann playing Stuttgart with his Stormy Beauty trio

9 Étienne Mbappé's Countryside Baiser Salé, Paris. Fri 21 June. Free entry

10 Nikki Iles & MUK.jazzorchestra Porgy & Bess, Vienna. Saturday 22 June

The John Taylor influenced English pianist, composer and bandleader Nikki Iles' Face to Face with the German NDR Big Band last year was a huge highlight. Here Iles collaborates with the big band of the Viennese university MUK - Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien (the Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna).

Jeanfrançois Prins and Jean-Paul Estiévenart, pictured, photographer unknown, modulate to a Blue Note Mode when they play Brussels this Saturday night.

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