Daily jazz blog, Marlbank

Fernando Brox, From Within, Fresh Sound New Talent ***1/2

Very chilled, beautifully arranged is this quintet situation from Fernando Brox. You won't know the tunes given they are new-ish originals of the Spanish flautist's. But you will instantly place the soundsphere - suggestive to us and a memory of …

Published: 24 May 2024. Updated: 32 days.


Very chilled, beautifully arranged is this quintet situation from Fernando Brox. You won't know the tunes given they are new-ish originals of the Spanish flautist's. But you will instantly place the soundsphere - suggestive to us and a memory of hearing Elena Pinderhughes live back in 2014 in the band of Chief Adjuah (Christian Scott's) in terms of timbre certainly - but with a Mediterranean twist.

Recorded in Switzerland at the Jazz Campus, Basel over a couple of days in early November last year the writing is really well gathered - there's a light shuffling joyousness from drummer Iago Fernández on opener 'Kuku' and when he takes the tempo up on 'The Bagpiper' it gives the ensemble a chance to do a tour d'horizon of a few chord changes to fold into a guitar solo by Wilfried Wilde who comes over a little bit like Derry guitarist Joseph Leighton, rough ballpark. Solo double bass from Nadav Erlich begins 'Kalahari' maybe introduced a little too soon in this album of 7 tracks. But his riff on 'Satanic Affair' is excellent. The voicings are really well caught, say the piano line of Iannis Obiols' introduction on the optimistic 'Blue Clouds.'

A very warm album then from Málaga born thirtysomething Brox. The penultimate track 'Si no fueras sólo un sueño' means something like 'If You Weren't Just a Dream' - tracks run from a smidge under 5 minutes ('The Bagpiper') to the relatively whopping dimensions of 'Kalahari' that clocks in at under 9 and a half minutes which is a little too long given the overly ponderous beginning. The 'Rumba pa'ti' - rumba for you - at the end however is a pleasure because it's full of subtlety. Far stronger than Brox's 2021 duo album, Factor Humano.

Tags: Reviews

Friday playlist - jazz zen 10

Updated daily - specially selected - the 10 tracks you need to stop right now and listen to asap. plus hurry to Thursday's: Katharine Timoney, top: photo: press

Published: 24 May 2024. Updated: 28 days.

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Updated daily - specially selected - the 10 tracks you need to stop right now and listen to asap.
plus hurry to Thursday's:


Katharine Timoney, top: photo: press