Daily jazz blog, Marlbank

Nduduzo Makhathini, uNomkhubulwane, Blue Note *****

Such a vision. These anthems of spiritual healing couched in ancient mysticism all spiral and dance, lift and separate, invade our internal consciousness and ultimately descend into a complete communion both achieved by the bravura pianism and the …

Published: 10 Jun 2024. Updated: 16 days.

Such a vision.

These anthems of spiritual healing couched in ancient mysticism all spiral and dance, lift and separate, invade our internal consciousness and ultimately descend into a complete communion both achieved by the bravura pianism and the prophet-like outpourings and dressing of the shaman-like vocalisations. Such an inspirational tribute then to Zulu goddess uNomkhubulwane shaped around a three movement suite that transcends language barriers and communicates by the universal language of music.

A healing force rains down

Clearly the latest and greatest yet from dazzling South African jazz pianist Nduduzo Makhathini here with US bassist of South African lineage Zwelakhe-Duma Bell le Pere and Cuban drummer Francisco Mela.


Nduduzo Makhathini, photo: Arthur Dlamini

The sound is very open and inviting. Scaling the heights Makhathini seizes and immerses himself in the panoramic view. Three is a magic number in so many ways - the trio, the cosmology, the triplet feel. And uNomkhubulwane is clearly an incredible achievement to lose yourself in and as a jazz listener be reborn by. 'Ithemba' has the kind of serene, humble, perfection that John Coltrane achieved on Impressions classic 'After the Rain' and the goddess of rain uNomkhubulwane too knows more than most about giving life in whatever figurative sense you most cherish as, clearly, does Makhathini.

Tags: Reviews

Monday playlist

Click to listen on the Spotify icon and at the top of this page for the latest playlist. Madeleine Peyroux, photo: press Plus yesterday's:

Published: 10 Jun 2024. Updated: 15 days.

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Madeleine Peyroux, photo: press

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